Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23rd Timewarp to the early 90s... You are super stoked on your new-ish Nintendo game. Its cartridge is no longer the smells-like-chinese-plastic new but you also don't have to blow in it to make it work. Your thumbs are beginning to blister but you just sneak an uber cold Jolt from your parents fridge to ice with then chug. You settle down in a comfy basementbrown chair tethered to the screen by an absurdly short cord and hit the RESET button. You know the rules of the game but have no idea how this particular attempt will turn out. You are not by any stretch of the imagination naturally talented at this game yet are unquestionably addicted. 

 Thats the best analogy I can come up with for my life right now. New summer, new rocks, same basic premise. Drive around, climb, run, play. Big-ass RESET button. 

 I'm Mario with fire power and the magic flashy star that makes you invincible. Various Luigis and Yoshis will guest star. Genoa, you are sooooo Yoshi. Cute at first, then watch out! But in the end its MY freaking mission (I'm coming Princess Peach!), no cheater codes or warping. 

 I may have just taken this too far. I blame my sister Angi and her fiance Erik for recently requesting a Zelda tune (played by me on accordion) for their wedding for leading my brain into this bizarre nostalgic NES comparison. 

 "Isn't this a climbing blog?!?" you are likely asking yourself. Yes, it is. But it is my climbing blog so tangents and irrelevancy should be expected and ideally admired. Welcome back dear friends, family and goopas! 

 Oh yes, Joshua tree was grand- if only a bit too toasty. Now I am off for Courtright reservoir for some new sights and probable tricam useage. For actual climbing info on these places visit Google or Joe's facebook page. They are both quite thorough :)

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